For Chamber President appointments, please see Court Appointments section above.
For Tribunal Members, prior to interview, we may consult:
- the Dean of the Faculty of Advocates
- President of the Law Society of Scotland
- President of the Scottish Tribunals
- Chamber Presidents of the Scottish Tribunals, if appropriate
- Senior President of Tribunals, if appropriate
- Presidents of independent Tribunals such as the Mental Health Tribunal for Scotland or the Parole Board for Scotland, if appropriate
- the Chief Executive of the Scottish Legal Complaints Commission
- the Crown Agent
- Relevant Professional Membership Organisations / Societies in-line with the specific area of expertise / members being sought
We will ask if they are aware of any reason relating to your character or competence, or any other matter about you which might cause us, or if you were recommended for appointment, Scottish Ministers, to doubt that you are suitable or fit for appointment to the office for which you have applied.
If any such reason is drawn to our attention, that reason and a summary of the factual background may be disclosed to you and you will be given an opportunity to discuss this with members of the selection panel. A report will be made to the selection panel and this will form part of the material before them when considering your application and whether you should proceed to interview.