Am I Ready?
Wondering if you are ready for a career in the judiciary? Here are some questions that we hope will make it easier for you to decide.
Q1. If a civil practitioner, have I been appearing in the Sheriff Court regularly and frequently in recent years on a range of areas of civil litigation such as family law, contract, land disputes and personal injuries claims? What level of contact have I had with criminal work?
Q2. If a criminal practitioner, in recent years have I been appearing in the Sheriff Court regularly and frequently on a range of criminal matters including (for appointment as sheriff) solemn business? What level of contact have I had with areas of civil litigation such as family law, contract, land disputes and personal injuries claims?
Q3. If not a regular Sheriff Court practitioner, do I have significant relevant experience in relation to matters of similar complexity to Sheriff Court litigation?
Q4. Is there an area of substantive law in which I have a high level of knowledge, or do I have competance across a wide range of areas of the law? What hard evidence can I provide showing my level of expertise or competence?
Q5. What hard evidence can I provide as to how I have begun to address any gaps in the legal knowledge and skills required for this office?
Q1. If principally involved in civil work, in recent years have I appeared regularly and frequently in court on a range of areas of civil litigation such as contract, administrative law or negligence, in demanding circumstances? What level of contact have I had with criminal work at solemn level?
Q2. If principally involved in criminal work in recent years, have I appeared regularly and frequently in court on a range of areas of criminal law in demanding circumstances? What level of contact have I had with areas of civil litigation such as contract, administrative law or negligence?
Q3. Whether principally involved in civil or criminal matters, do I have a high level of legal learning?
Q4. Whether principally involved in civil or criminal matters, can I show evidence that I regularly give written advice or judgments as to the application of law to fact at a level which displays high expertise in at least some of the areas of substantive law most commonly encountered in the Supreme Courts of Scotland?
Q5. What hard evidence can I provide as to how I have begun to address any gaps in the legal knowledge and skills required for this office?