Open for Expressions of Interest
22 Feb 24
Applications for the role of UK judge to the European Court of Human Rights will be launching on 27 February.
Prospective applicants are now encouraged to submit an expression of interest, to ensure they receive all relevant communications and information.
Please find a link to the Judicial Appointments Commission website where you can find more information including a link to the Expressions of Interest section: Applications for UK judge to the European Court of Human Rights – Judicial Appointments Commission
To learn more about how judges are appointed, visit: Committee on the Election of Judges to the European Court of Human Rights (
Applications for the role of UK judge to the European Court of Human Rights are now live! The job advert and candidate pack can be accessed here, with the window closing on 9 April. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to work alongside 45 other independent national judges in Strasbourg on significant human rights cases at the highest level. Examples of these cases, showing the variety and complexity of issues the Court deals with, can be found in the judgments and pending cases relating to the UK, along with details of cases for other member States, on the Court’s website.