Current Vacancies
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The Judicial Appointments Board for Scotland (JABS) invites applications from suitably qualified individuals who wish to be considered for appointment to the judicial office of legal member of the Upper Tribunal for Scotland.
JABS is seeking to recruit 2 legal members. The roles are part-time and paid on a daily fee basis. The current fee for the Upper Tribunal is £553.87 per day. Appropriate travel and subsistence expenses will also be met.
The business of the Upper Tribunal is diverse and rewarding, hearing appeals on decision of the chambers of the First-tier Tribunal.
As the Upper Tribunal is an appellate jurisdiction, cases will often involve particularly complex issues of law and procedure. This requires a high level of knowledge and experience in the branch of the law in which individuals have practised and also an ability to work in other branches of the law that may arise in the course of their duties. It is therefore important that an Upper Tribunal legal member is a lawyer of sufficient standing to command confidence in their decisions with immediate effect.
This is an important opportunity to contribute to justice in Scotland.
The time commitment is expected to be not less than 24 days per annum, depending on the volume of work of the tribunal. The number of sitting days in any year is not guaranteed. In addition, it is anticipated that there will be in the order of two days of training per year.
The Legal Member Briefing Pack, provided by the Judicial Office for Scotland, provides applicants with information about the role and the work of the Upper Tribunal. Please ensure you read the Guidance Note in full, which includes the Role Profile before you start your application.
To learn more about the role, Lord Ericht, has provided an information video on the daily life of an Upper Tribunal member.
We encourage applications from people with a wide and diverse range of backgrounds including different legal experience. The principles of fair and open competition will apply and recommendation for appointment will be made solely on merit.
If you are already a legal member of the Upper Tribunal for Scotland, you are not eligible to apply for these posts.
To apply please click here.
Applications must be submitted by noon on Thursday 20 February 2025.